- Andrew Napolitano
12 vendors now qualified to participate in RFP process to purchase system to license and track recreational marijuana in Massachusetts
BOSTON — Today, Treasurer Deb Goldberg announced the 12 vendors now qualified to respond to the anticipated Request for Proposal (RFP) for the acquisition of software for the state’s licensing and tracking system for recreational marijuana. Out of 17 total bidders, 12 were approved. The entire list of vendors can be found below.
Accela, Inc.
CGI Technologies and Solutions, Inc.
Franwell, Inc.
GCOM Software, Inc.
JD Software, Inc.
Kind Agrisoft, LLC
MJ Freeway, LLC
NIC Services, LLC
NTT Data, Inc.
Paladin Data Systems Corporation
Virtusa Corporation
The State Treasurer’s Office is responsible for the implementation of the law, as written here. Treasurer Deborah Goldberg is committed to implementing the law and ensuring it is done in the manner that best protects all Massachusetts residents.
To stay informed on developments regarding recreational marijuana in Massachusetts, please visit our website at http://www.mass.gov/treasury/marijuana.