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Andrew Napolitano

13 Minors found in possession of alcohol

BOSTON — On Saturday, April 4, 2015 ABCC Investigators conducted an enforcement operation at Julep, a Boston Bar located at 200 High Street. The investigators found 13 minors in possession of alcohol. The bar had previously been charged with 9 counts of "minor in possession" in December 2014.

“Bars and restaurants have an obligation to responsibly serve only those patrons that are of age,” said State Treasurer Deborah Goldberg. “We will continue to step up our monitoring and enforcement actions because we know that this can save lives and prevent tragedies before they happen.”

In 2014, ABCC enforcement operations produced the following results: 721 minors in possession or transporting alcoholic beverages; 176 adults procuring alcohol for minors; 29 individuals in possession of false identification; and 382 cases of beer and 342 bottles of alcohol were confiscated by Investigators, preventing delivery to approximately 4,948 underage individuals. Since 2005 these programs have resulted in the following cumulative results: 5,704 minors in possession or transporting alcoholic beverages; 2,557 adults procuring alcohol for minors; 598 individuals in possession of false identification; and 3,133 cases of beer and 2,305 bottles of alcohol were confiscated by Investigators, preventing delivery to approximately 40,234 underage individuals.

Statistics show that three teens die from drinking and driving every day, and approximately six teens die every day of non-driving alcohol-related causes, such as homicide, suicide, and drowning. Alcohol intoxication has also been reported to be involved in 47% of homicides and 23% of suicides involving people under 21. In Massachusetts alone, the overall cost of alcohol abuse by youth is estimated at $1.4 billion.



Andrew Napolitano

Communications Director

(617) 367-9333 x614

Cell: (781) 403-0600


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