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Video starts with title screen “Diversity at Treasury."


Laura R. (Defined Compensation Plans Unit): I mean I have to say I think working for the Commonwealth generally and Treasury specifically I’ve been really impressed with the fact that I think diversity and inclusion are not just lip service.


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Tammara D. (Massachusetts State Retirement Board): I believe the treasury has done a great job with diversity here. You can see it in the talented individuals that they have employed in the organization.


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Ryan M. (Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission): If you see by the diverse operations, we are doing then the diverse population filling those operations, we kinda cover every base.


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Laura R: There’s a priority on it, a priority on making it a natural part of the workplace.


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Tammara D: I feel empowered as a minority female to work for a leader who advocates for equal pay.


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Ryan M: I think the more diverse your workforce is, whether it be culturally background or differences in ages and experiences, it just enhances and strengths entries our operations.


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James A. (Cash Management): You find all type of people from young to old different, nationality, first second generation. It provides an environment where you can you can meet people from different walk of life and social economic backgrounds.


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Amanda Z. (Veterans’ Bonus): No is to be judged and everyone is treated as an equal.


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Laura: So I think it’s been a great place certainly the most diverse and inclusive place that I’ve worked.


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Amanda: It’s a family and like there’s no judging in any way shape or form.



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